Selected as Blogadda's "Spicy Saturday Pick" on July 9, 2011

Nowadays , many companies adopt the idea of hiring
employees under a certain bond wherein if the employees leave while under the
bond, are enforced to pay the bond amount by the company. I know, you guys know
all that; there’s nothing new about it. I was in fact, some time back, working
in a company under a bond. And of course after being acknowledged with the bond
deal, the peripatetic mind of mine started exploring new areas then, in order
to establish new settlements of thoughts and ideas…
“What if I die before time during the bond
What the company would do then??...
How would it affect it…??”
Not that I was some sort of an indispensable
possession for the company, it was just that, this thought came to me after I
went through various explanations as to why a company makes her employees sign
And then the nomad in my head went ahead in order
to reach something stupendous.
And a loop of an array of axiomatic facts started
running. I once again came across a fact known to me ab ovo that NOTHING IS CERTAIN…….These three words stood,
tall, dark and firm, stealing the shadow from the sun, in front of me. What
followed was an insurrection of the world of reflectors….
What is it that
you staunchly believe in?
Is it you yourself
or something that you have never seen?
Do you believe in
idol worship?
it is a polemical
topic indeed…!!
I consider this world to be full of
reflectors and one ultimate source of energy. I believe that whatever we
believe in gets stregthened with our faith. Whether we consider Shiva as our
god or Jesus as the son of god, the fact is we have not seen them and that we
derive strength from them by having faith in them. In fact, it’s a reversible
reaction. Not just we, but the idols themselves seek strength from our
devotion. And it’s more than just a self fulfilling prophecy…!!
We empower our idols by showering faith on them.
And where does that faith come from?..Something or someone must have reflected
it on us. It’s upon us whether we derive it or not!!
Those who are atheists could derive strength from a
person or any other tangible or intangible entity. When one is in a
relationship, one derives the strength from the person he or she loves. We all
reflect an assortment of emotions to people around us. We derive confidence
from different things and then reflect them onto somebody else!!
We talk about steep inflation, economic meltdown,
recession and the list of unanticipated perturbing stuff goes on. We talk about
end of the world and create a brouhaha and then we get indifferent towards it.
And this apathy we then reflect around us. Well we say that there is a surging
wave of a cause celebre cutting through the city because we ourselves
help that wave spread across the whole place.
We move around with the reflectors.
We’re always able to see the reflection of any kind
of maelstrom or harmony that resides within us, in our outer world. That’s why
the pithy, The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody
else up.....-Mark Twain
I can find immense joy on seeing a few rain drops
splashing on a leaf which collects the drops in its palm just like we do by
stretching out our arms out in the rain. I can also feel all desolated and
gloomy looking at the rain by personifying the crying sky!!
This is because I see the reflection of those
soft emotions in this carapace like world. We all do that.
I still try to hold on to my beliefs with all of
my strength. Some of my beliefs are a priori and those which do not have
firm grounds are provided with one, which is again my faith. And I’ll defy them
ad infinitum………..